Our Little Philosophers
Our Little Philosophers celebrates kids' voices. Steven Asei-Dantoni Nkoué discusses various topics of life and society with inspiring young kids. They share their vision and perspective of the world. The conversations are natural and genuine. This podcast aims at elevating children's voices. Their passion, ingenuity, creativity playfulness, compassion and spirit can inspire the whole world.
46 episodes
1 - Be Inspirational! - Hope
"When someone's sad, I try to be inspirational or bring them up instead of trying to make them laugh." - Anyah, 12 years oldGreat Teacher Steve with Trey, Anyah, Zaria, Saraiya, Jaysen, Melinah, Gabby, Noah and Charli.Watch : ...
Season 2
Episode 1

18 - Sophia the social change advocate - Hope
"I want to be able to help more people because I enjoy to help people. It makes me happy to see other people enjoying themselves and kind of feel that relief after all that stress. The challengesI have experienced have given me the strength to ...
Season 2

17 - OUR Hopes 4 the Future - Hope
"I hope for equality and unity." - Melinah, 12 years oldGreat Teacher Steve with Sophia, Melinah, Gabby, Anyah, Symone, Jordan, Zaria, Jaysen and Charli, Noah, Saraiya, Trey, CemyaMusic Song - To the Moon and BeyondArtist: G...
Season 2
Episode 17

15 - We LOVE - Hope
"Something I love about this world is the ability that humans have to push forward" - Trey, 12 years oldGreat Teacher Steve with Sophia, Melinah, Gabby, Anyah, Symone, Jordan, Zaria, Jaysen and Charli, Noah, Saraiya, Trey, Cemya...

16 - OUR purposes in life - Hope
"My purpose in life would maybe to be able to inspire others" - Sophia, 12 years oldGreat Teacher Steve with Sophia, Melinah, Gabby, Anyah, Symone, Jordan, Zaria, Jaysen and Charli, Noah, Saraiya, Trey, CemyaMusicSong : Ri...
Season 2
Episode 16

13 - OUR inspirations - Hope
"My inspiration in my life is my dad" - Charli, 12 years oldGreat Teacher Steve with Sophia, Melinah, Gabby, Anyah, Symone, Jordan, Zaria, Jaysen and Charli, Noah, Saraiya, Trey, CemyaMusicSong : RemainderArtist: Jon E. ...
Season 2
Episode 13

12 - Courage, Caring and Peace - Hope
"Peace means making a change or making a difference in your community"- Gabby, 12 years oldGreat Teacher Steve with Sophia, Melinah, Gabby, Anyah, Symone, Jordan, Zaria, Jaysen and Charli, Noah, Saraiya, Trey, CemyaWatch :
Season 2
Episode 12

14 - Be conscious about our planet! - Hope
"My social justice topic is pollution and how to stop it. It is important to me because when I grow up and have kids, I want them to be able to see polar bears and penguins and animals like that." - Jaysen, 12 years oldGreat...
Season 2
Episode 13

11 - Passionate ANYAH - Hope
"The challenges that I've been through helped me grow. I have to be passionate and positive !" - Anyah, 12 years oldWatch : https://www.ourlittlephilosophers.com/hopeMusic...
Season 2
Episode 11

8 - Melinah's last words to the world (fiction) - Hope
If Melinah had 24 hours to live... by Melinah featuring MelinahWatch : https://www.ourlittlephilosophers.com/hopeMusic:Somewhere BeneathArtist: John BarzettiAl...

9 - Meaning of pain and suffering - Hope
"You do something and then you suffer for it for a little bit. You learn maybe not to do that again or do something different next time." - Jaysen, 12 years old. Great Teacher Steve with Trey and JaysenWatch :
Season 2
Episode 9

10 - OUR definitions of Hope - Hope
"My definition of hope is peacefulness." - Saraiya, 12 years old.Great Teacher Steve with Trey, Anyah, Zaria, Saraiya, Jaysen, Melinah, Gabby, Noah, Jordan, Cemyah, Sophia, Symone and Charli.Music Song: Streams of Africa
Season 2
Episode 10

7 - Keep your head up when... - Hope
"I would say, keep your head up, you're strong." - Zaria, 12 years oldGreat Teacher Steve with Trey, Anyah, Zaria, Saraiya, Jaysen, Melinah, Gabby, Noah, Jordan, Cemyah, Sophia, Symone and Charli.Watch :
Season 2
Episode 7

5 - When Hope is gone - Hope
"When hope is gone, love will still be there and trying to get hope back to the surface." - Melinah, 12 years oldGreat Teacher Steve with Saraiya, Jaysen, .Anyah, Gabby, Zaria, Melinah, Sophia, Gabby, Symone, Watch :
Season 2
Episode 5

6 - Discussing Tupac's "Keep Ya Head Up" - Hope
"That song connects to me because he wants you to keep your head up at the hardest times." - Symone, 12 years oldGreat Teacher Steve with Zaria, Cemyah, Jordan and Symone.Watch :
Season 2
Episode 6

4 - JAYSEN The Astronaut - Hope
"I want to become an astronaut and I'm working harder to learn all about space." - Jaysen,12 years oldGreat teacher Steve with JaysenWatch : https://www.ourlittlephiloso...
Season 2
Episode 4

3 - We are getting killed - BLM - Hope
"I want to spread awareness on what's going on, and open police officer's eyes and see what they're doing to innocent people who do not deserve to die or go to jail." - Jordan, 12 years oldGreat teacher Steve with Melinah, Saraiya, Jays...
Season 2
Episode 3

2 - We lost hope when... - Hope
"One time I lost hope when more police brutality was spreading around America." - GabbyWith Great Teacher Steve with Sophia, Melinah, Gabby, Anyah, Symone, Jordan, Zaria, Jaysen and Charli.Watch :
Season 2
Episode 2

Zaria & Sophia- #OURLittlePhilosophers
MyLittlePhilosopher.com presents #OURLittlePhilosophersWhat would you say to your future self 10 years from now?<...
Season 2
Episode 8

Hope - We Are Here - Part 2
The "Hope" series is a a result of a partnership with Mission Grammar School in Boston, MA. Great Teacher Steve leads a series of conversation with Mission Grammar's sixth-grade ELA 2021 class.This curriculum engages the s...
Season 2
Episode 2

Hope - We Are Here - Part 1
The "Hope" series is a a result of a partnership with Mission Grammar School in Boston, MA.Great Teacher Steve leads a series of conversation with Mission Grammar's sixth-grade ELA 2021 class.This curriculum engages the sc...
Season 2
Episode 1

Trey & Jaysen - #OURLittlePhilosophers
MyLittlePhilosopher.com presents #OURLittlePhilosophersWhat would you say to your future self 10 years from now?<...
Season 2
Episode 7

Symone - #OURLittlePhilosophers
MyLittlePhilosopher.com presents #OURLittlePhilosophersWhat would you say to your future self 10 years from now?<...