Our Little Philosophers
Our Little Philosophers
16 - OUR purposes in life - Hope
"My purpose in life would maybe to be able to inspire others" - Sophia, 12 years old
Great Teacher Steve with Sophia, Melinah, Gabby, Anyah, Symone, Jordan, Zaria, Jaysen and Charli, Noah, Saraiya, Trey, Cemya
Song : Rico
Artist: Jobii
Album: English Breakfast
Released: 2018
Watch : https://www.ourlittlephilosophers.com/hope
Find out more : ourlittlephilosophers.com
What do you feel is your purpose in life? I think my purpose in life is to make a difference in people's worlds and to make people happy also. I think my purpose in life would maybe be to be able to inspire others and continue that line of advocating and bringing justice to the world in different things. I feel like that would be one of my purposes. I think my purpose is to encourage people at what they're doing.