Our Little Philosophers
Our Little Philosophers
3 - We are getting killed - BLM - Hope
"I want to spread awareness on what's going on, and open police officer's eyes and see what they're doing to innocent people who do not deserve to die or go to jail." - Jordan, 12 years old
Great teacher Steve with Melinah, Saraiya, Jaysen, Jordan, Gabby, Saraiya, and Sophia.
Watch : https://www.ourlittlephilosophers.com/hope
Song: Desolate Blur
Artist: Jobii
Album: Berk Jam
Released: 2019
Find out more : ourlittlephilosophers.com
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I don't know exactly what happened, but I know a police officer was on his neck for like nine minutes. I don't know exactly what happened, but I think it was because he was black. I don't know.
Saraya:Black people are getting killed.
Jordan:It's mostly my race that has been going through what 's going through right now, in the world. And I want to spread an awareness on what's going on and open police officer's eyes and see what they're doing to innocent people who do not deserve to die or go to jail.
Saraya:It makes me feel sad.
Trey:It makes me feel angry that cops are shooting people just because of their skin color.
Jaysen:It makes me feel sad that that's happening. The people that got killed by the police, their family members and their loved ones loved them.
Jordan:And most of the time it's Karens calling and ruining innocent people's lives just because Karens feel like they do not belong there. A simple person calling a police officer, their life can end. You never know
Trey:They are judging someone by the color of their skin, not how they actually act in real life.
Gabby:I think that a lot of police brutality that's been happening can cause a lot of suffering to people of color and it could put them in a lot of fear that that's going to happen to them. And I don't think that's fair and I don't think they should have to think about that. Cause that's such a scary topic and thing to always be worrying about.
Saraya:Because it's not fair if one person gets to be treated different just because of their skin color. We are all people. So it doesn't really matter. We should all be treated equally.
Sophia:The police kind of get that sensation to do what they do to normal citizens. And I learned about that and it was kind of upsetting for the people who have to go through things like this and experience things such as police brutality and racism. I was definitely in shock a lot of the time learning that stuff like this had happened many times in the past. And, it's not just a recent renegade thing and I'm kind of scared It just gets worse. Equal rights are kind of taken away from people.
Gabby:When it comes to Black Lives Matter. We can all learn something. We can learn that just because the color of someone's skin is darker. Doesn't mean that they're that. People shouldn't have to process for months, even years to get a point across .My point is that people of color are a threat and they shouldn't be treated like one.