Our Little Philosophers
Our Little Philosophers
8 - Melinah's last words to the world (fiction) - Hope
If Melinah had 24 hours to live... by Melinah featuring Melinah
Watch : https://www.ourlittlephilosophers.com/hope
Somewhere Beneath
Artist: John Barzetti
Album: Airstrip Won
Released: 2012
Find out more : ourlittlephilosophers.com
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The world is ending. I only have 24 hours left to live. So I wrote this letter . Dear World. I lived a good life here. The second before I know it's over. There's going to be a sense of unity. The one thing we've all wanted, but could never have, oh, cruel world, please. Don't take me away from my life's work. I've spent so much time and energy trying to perfect it, but it never was perfect. Does perfect even still exist? Who cares now? The world is ending and the world over as we know it. It was nice knowing you. It was nice living here. Goodbye. You were good people. You are a good person. I'll see you again in another life. Maybe. I don't know.