Our Little Philosophers celebrates kids' voices. Steven Asei-Dantoni Nkoué discusses various topics of life and society with inspiring young kids. They share their vision and perspective of the world. The conversations are natural and genuine. This podcast aims at elevating children's voices. Their passion, ingenuity, creativity playfulness, compassion and spirit can inspire the whole world.
"My social justice topic is pollution and how to stop it. It is important to me because when I grow up and have kids, I want them to be able to see polar bears and penguins and animals like that." - Jaysen, 12 years old
Great Teacher Steve with Sophia, Melinah, Gabby, Anyah, Symone, Jordan, Zaria, Jaysen and Charli, Noah, Saraiya, Trey, Cemya
Hi, my name is Jaysen. My social justice topic is pollution and how to stop it. It is important to me because when I grow up and have kids, I want them to be able to see polar bears and penguins and animals like that. Because I feel like not enough people are talking about pollution and it's really bad. In 2020 alone, 6.6 million people died just because of the air pollution. I think that not that many people are trying to help stop it and like talking and spreading awareness about it. Stopping air pollution is kind of a lack of hope. There's a lot of air pollution and can't fix it. It's really hard because to do it, you're going to have to stop all the cars and stuff. I believe it's possible, but if we don't want global warming to get worse. We have to do it soon.Once we make global warming bad to a certain point.Some animals are going to start going extinct and you can't fix it.
Great Teacher Steve:
What gives you hope in this situation?
That a lot of people are trying to help stop it or like, make it not as bad, by taking a bus or train or walking to wherever they want to go.
Great Teacher Steve:
Why do you think this young generation, your young generation is so engaged and passionate about climate change?
I think it's because when we grow up, we're going to be adults. And if you start trying to fix these problems now, it will be easier to fix when we grow up. And when we grow up, we don't want some of the animals that are all extinct . Because when we have kids polar bears and penguins might be extinct. It makes me feel sad.
I think it's because the generation before us has taught us a lot of stuff. And I think the stuff that the past generation has taught us has shaped the way we think about how the world should be. How we can fix the world. So when the new generation comes after us, they can probably learn about this stuff too, and also help that in the future.
My hope for the future is that everyone would start to think about the environment and start to help it.
Great Teacher Steve:
What would be your message to my generation?
Be conscious about what you do, and like, always think about what you do before you do it, instead of just doing it. Be conscious and think about how many problems that can cause for the world..