Our Little Philosophers
Our Little Philosophers celebrates kids' voices. Steven Asei-Dantoni Nkoué discusses various topics of life and society with inspiring young kids. They share their vision and perspective of the world. The conversations are natural and genuine. This podcast aims at elevating children's voices. Their passion, ingenuity, creativity playfulness, compassion and spirit can inspire the whole world.
Our Little Philosophers
17 - OUR Hopes 4 the Future - Hope
Great Teacher Steve
Season 2
Episode 17
Audio Player
00:00 | 02:49
"I hope for equality and unity." - Melinah, 12 years old
Great Teacher Steve with Sophia, Melinah, Gabby, Anyah, Symone, Jordan, Zaria, Jaysen and Charli, Noah, Saraiya, Trey, Cemya
Song - To the Moon and Beyond
Artist: Gavin Luke
Album: To the Moon and Beyond
Released: 2019
Watch : https://www.ourlittlephilosophers.com/hope
Find out more : ourlittlephilosophers.com