Our Little Philosophers
Our Little Philosophers
9 - Meaning of pain and suffering - Hope
"You do something and then you suffer for it for a little bit. You learn maybe not to do that again or do something different next time." - Jaysen, 12 years old.
Great Teacher Steve with Trey and Jaysen
Watch : https://www.ourlittlephilosophers.com/hope
Zimbabwe Sunset
Artist: Sahara Skylight
Album: Spirit of Cape Town
Released: 2013
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Is there a meaning to suffering and pain? I think sometimes when you suffer, it might be God. God might be telling you, oh yeah, this might be happening because you're going to be able to achieve something greater. You might lose your job. God might put faith into it. You lose your job and then get a better job and become something greater. You suffer and maybe that can be a learning experience. You do something and then you suffer for it for a little bit. You learn maybe not to do that again or do something different next time. Never give up! Never give up on your dreams!