Our Little Philosophers
Our Little Philosophers
5 - When Hope is gone - Hope
"When hope is gone, love will still be there and trying to get hope back to the surface." - Melinah, 12 years old
Great Teacher Steve with Saraiya, Jaysen, .Anyah, Gabby, Zaria, Melinah, Sophia, Gabby, Symone,
Watch : https://www.ourlittlephilosophers.com/hope
Song: Two New Wings by By
Artist: Lotus
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Why do you think people lose hope? Maybe when other people give up their hope and then it keeps passing on. Maybe they give up on hope because it's too hard to do something. When hope is gone people don't really dream about a lot of things. When hope is gone, we can improve our ways to get it back. When hope is gone, it leads to chaos. When hope is gone, love will still be there and trying to get hope back to the surface. When hope is gone, sometimes it feels like it's hard to smile or like to keep a positive attitude. When hope is gone. Don't give up. When hope is gone. There's more trouble and It's kind of like one man for themselves because no one really cares about others anymore. When hope is gone, don't stop fighting. When hope is gone, there's no love. When hope is gone. It's just in a different place. It doesn't mean it's not still there. You can still have hope when everybody else's down.