Our Little Philosophers
Our Little Philosophers
10 - OUR definitions of Hope - Hope
"My definition of hope is peacefulness." - Saraiya, 12 years old.
Great Teacher Steve with Trey, Anyah, Zaria, Saraiya, Jaysen, Melinah, Gabby, Noah, Jordan, Cemyah, Sophia, Symone and Charli.
Song: Streams of Africa
Artist: Sahara Skylight
Album: Spirit of Cape Town
Released: 2013
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My definition of hope is to look forward.
Gabby:Hope to me is, everybody came together as one, and there is no fighting. It's all just peaceful.
Melinah:My definition of hope is a dream for change.
Jordan:My definition of hope is when you believe in something and you put your mind to it.
Saraya:My definition of hope is peacefulness.
Charli:My definition of hope is being happy and being around people that you feel comfortable with.
Sophia:I think the definition of hope would kind of be like something that you wish for. And I feel like it's something you'd kind of be willing to do.
Zaria:My definition of hope is a strong community.
Anyah:My definition of hope is wishing for something to happen in the world for you or for other people.
Symone:My definition of hope is people who care about a thing a lot.